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Mess Dues & Entitlements

It is the responsibility of the member to ensure they are paying dues to the appropriate mess.
Please monitor your NPF and Pay statements to ensure you are paying dues

If you have any questions or concerns about your dues to the 12 Wing Mess, please contact the Bar/Admin Supervisor by calling 902-720-1823

Clearing In:

New members to the 12 Wing are responsible to complete an IN routine according to Base procedures. IN routines are currently processed through the base orderly room. 

All members are encouraged to come to the Mess Office to confirm clear in has been actioned.

Temporary Duties and Attached Postings:

Members joining us for an attached posting or TD longer than 14 days should contact our office to pay dues and collect receipts. Unless you are one of the following:

  • Members attach-posted or on temporary duty, if you are still required for duty aboard your parent ship;
  • Members attached-posted from ships in zero-manned refit, regardless of if it is taking place at 12 Wing Shearwater or not;
  • Members on TD to 12 Wing Shearwater for less than 14 days.


Clearing Out:

 Members clearing out of 12 Wing are responsible for contacting the mess office to cease dues. 

Reserve Members:

 Reserve Members belonging to 12 Wing Mess pay dues by Pay Allotment which are collected by your unit.

Common Entitlements:

Mess members are entitled to the following entitlements under the Mess Constitution, double check with the constitution or the Bar/Admin Supervisor for any changes to the below:

Birth or adoption of a childMembers are entitled to a congratulatory gift for the birth or adoption of a child$150Gift certificate
BereavementMembers are entitled to a gift upon the death of a parent, spouse or child$150Gift Certificate
Taxi ChitIn Exceptional Circumstances members may utilize a taxi chit.  Maximum amount is $20.00 and only 1 chit per year per member is authorized.$20Taxi Chit
PostingMembers with 12+ months of membership is eligible for a posting gift $50.00Gift Certificate
RetirementRetiring Member with more than 20 years of service   $100Gift certificate
Retiring Member with less than 20 years of service$50Gift Certificate

 *The following cannot be submitted for reimbursement: Lottery tickets, liquor, tobacco, and cannabis.


Officers' Mess Dues are as follows:

Jr Ranks Reg Force$15.00 per monthDeducted from pay
Jr Ranks Reserves$10.00 per monthDeducted from pay *
WO & Sgts Reg Force$20.00 per monthDeducted from pay
WO & Sgts Reserves$15.00 per monthDeducted from pay *
Officers Reg Force$25.00 per monthDeducted from pay
Officers Reserve$20.00 per monthDeducted from pay *
Associate1st year immediately following retirement is freeContact the Bar/Admin Supervisor to pay
Each subsequent year, dues are 50% of current regular force mess dues based on rank of which the member retired

*Reservists dues are deducted through their unit.

Dues are charged a month in arrears, based on full months, never partial. Dues will be charged starting the first day of the next month from the member COS date.

For example:
Member COS date is 18th July 
Losing unit charges mess dues 1-31 July
Gaining unit starts to charge mess dues 1 August
Charges will appear on NPF statement in September

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. I wasn’t able to clear in correctly due to Covid, do I owe dues for that time?

A. If you were posted to 12 Wing during the Covid period you will be expected to pay the dues owed during that time. Contact the Bar/Admin Supervisor at the contact details above to ensure you are cleared into the mess and to discuss payment of any dues owing.


Q. I’m not sure if I’m paying dues/my dues amount is different than listed above?

A. If you have any questions or concerns about your dues, please contact the Bar/Admin Supervisor at the above details.  


Q. My NPF statement indicates I’ve been paying dues to two messes at the same time, what do I do?

A. Contact the Bar/Admin Supervisor to confirm which dues are duplicate, we can assist you with the next steps on rectifying the error and reimbursement on any duplicate dues. We will require documents showing that you have been paying into two messes.


Q. Which gifts am I entitled to?

A. Consult the chart above for eligibility, and contact the Bar/Admin Supervisor for options to request a gift or reimbursement as necessary.


Q. Can I collect the gift amount on behalf of another member?

A. If a unit would like to purchase a gift to be presented to a member, and be reimbursed from the gift fund, the mess will require approval from the eligible member for those funds to be used on their behalf.