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Base Fund Activity Grant

The Base Fund Activity Grant and Workplace Activity Grants are available each fiscal year (April 1—March 31). You must apply in writing for these grants, and upon approval - the allotted amounts, listed below, will be deposited directly into your account.

Base Activity Grant:
  • $15.00/military members

Workplace Amenity Grant:
  • $250/unit (0-100 military members)
  • $3.00/military member (100+ military members)

Examples of internal entities would be:
  • Hartlen Point Golf Course
  • Messes
  • NPF Catering
  • Yacht Club
  • Curling Club
  • Falls Lake

The grant allows each individual unit to organize a morale building group activity. Approval from PSP is required. Please provide the following information and email directly to the Senior PSP Manager, [email protected]
You can download the Request Form Here.