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Mental Health Contacts in Europe

Family Information Line (FIL)

As the loved one of a Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) member, you can contact the Family Information Line (FIL) for any support you may need as a result of the unique nature of military life. The FIL offers confidential, personal and bilingual assistance. FIL counsellors can help your family obtain information, and provide reassurance, support and referral to the various services offered to CAF families.

To call Toll-free outside North America 24/7
00800 7711 7722 *It has come to our attention that our toll-free International Family Information Line number (00800 7711 7722) has not been working in all locations. While we work through these connection issues, please know, you are not alone. You can also reach out to the Family Information Line via email at [email protected]. Send your phone number with the country code and an FIL counsellor will call you.

Social Workers

MFS(E) Social Worker Andrea Liss +49 (0) 2451 717 206
MFS(E) Social Worker Michael Bruinix  +49 (0) 2451 717 194
CFSU(E) Social Worker Capt. Josette Leblanc +49 (0) 2451 717 300

CF Member Assistance Program (CFMAP)

Europe 001 800 268 7708 (not toll free)
Collect 001 613 941 5842


Padre G. Flor - Belgium/France/Germany/Luxembourg/Netherlands/Poland
+32 (0) 492 722 686 [email protected]

Padre G. Flor - Estonia/Finland/ Lithuania/Norway/Sweden/UK +32 (0) 492 722 686 [email protected]

Padre Megan Jones - Austria/Czech Republic/Italy/Romania/Spain/Turkey+39 335 158 0472 [email protected]