Only CF One members get exclusive discounts and savings, earn rewards, and access personalized financial, fitness and wellness programs exclusive to the military community.
As the loved one of a Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) member, you can contact the Family Information Line (FIL) for any support you may need as a result of the unique nature of military life. The FIL offers confidential, personal and bilingual assistance. FIL counsellors can help your family obtain information, and provide reassurance, support and referral to the various services offered to CAF families.
To call Toll-free outside North America 24/7 00800 7711 7722 *It has come to our attention that our toll-free International Family Information Line number (00800 7711 7722) has not been working in all locations. While we work through these connection issues, please know, you are not alone. You can also reach out to the Family Information Line via email at [email protected]. Send your phone number with the country code and an FIL counsellor will call you.
Social Workers
Josette Leblanc, MFS(E) Social Worker +49 (0) 2451 717 x194
Michael Bruinix, MFS(E) Social Worker+49 (0) 2451 717 x206
Join MFS OUTCAN Social Worker Andrea Liss for an hour of conversation. Each session will focus on a theme related to OUTCAN life, relationships, and our inner lives.
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