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MFRC Unit Liaisons

Are you a military member looking for an opportunity to support members of your unit and their families? Consider becoming an MFRC Unit Liaison!

Becoming a Unit Liaison

Relocation and work-related absences can be difficult at times for a family with military serving members, it can impact lifestyle, wellbeing and resilience. The Unit Liaison serves as an enabler to facilitate communication between units and the MFRC. The goal of the program is to keep units informed about MFRC programs and services and for units to provide feedback to the MFRC. As a Unit Liaison, you are in a unique position to interact with all levels of unit structure, from the most junior personnel to Command Leadership. In this capacity you are expected to serve as ambassador on behalf of the MFRC by providing information about our programs, services and also promote family activities. If you are interested in this role, please discuss and submit your request through your Chain of Command. 

For further inquiries please contact Sylvain Jaquemot, MFRC Base and Fleet Liaison at [email protected].