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For 35 years, the Edmonton Military Family Resource Centre (MFRC) has been committed to enriching the lives of individuals and families in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) through positive action, education and support. Absences from family support systems, difficulties during deployments, solo parenting or coping with an injury or loss are realities for military families: realities that can have a significant impact on family well-being. Qualified staff from a variety of backgrounds direct and coordinate MFRC programs and services. 
Established in 1989, the MFRC has been committed to supporting military families as they navigate the unique challenges through programs and services that enhance the strength and resilience of military families. The MFRC is a non-profit society registered under the Alberta Society's Act. The agency is also registered with Revenue Canada as a charitable organization. We are governed by a volunteer Board of Directors comprised of military spouses, CF members, and ex-officio members. Our MFRC depends on the talents and skills of these dedicated volunteers to make guiding decisions. 

Who can access MFRC programs? 

MFRC programs are open to: spouses, partners, children and relatives of Canadian Armed Forces’ personnel, both Regular and Reserve Force. Select programs are also available to Veterans and Defence Community families which includes current CAF, Veterans, Families of the Fallen, civilian DND, MFRC, PSP, reservists, and their immediate family members.  

The Edmonton Military Family Resource Centre supports military families as they navigate the unique challenges of military life through programs and services that enhance their strength and resilience.
  • Our Mission

    The Edmonton Military Family Resource Centre supports military families as they navigate the unique challenges of military life through programs and services that enhance their strength and resilience.

MFRC Patron

J'lyn Nye, former co-host of 630 CHED Afternoon News, news anchor for News Hour Final on Global Edmonton and Honourary Colonel.

MFRC e-newsletter 

Subscribe to our e-newsletter! Keep up-to-date with all of our upcoming programs, services, volunteer opportunities, special offers and discounts. 

Our Location

Building 161, MONS Avenue, Lancaster Park

PO Box 10500 Station Forces

Edmonton, AB T5J 4J5

We Are Here For You... 

To get in touch with one of our Family Support Workers, email us or call 780-973-4011 ext. 528-6300 and ask for the intake worker.