Only CF One members get exclusive discounts and savings, earn rewards, and access personalized financial, fitness and wellness programs exclusive to the military community.
The MFRC, in partnership with Base Chaplains, is happy to offer the Hold Me Tight® program to military and Veteran families. This program, developed by Dr. Sue Johnson, is offered online so you can go through the course at your own pace at home.
The Hold Me Tight® program helps couples:
Improve their relationship by strengthening your bond
Better resolve conflicts and solve problems around common issues like financial difficulties or parenting
Have better mental health
The program includes videos, teaching segments, exercises and check-in quizzes to guide you and your partner through conversations that will help you build a responsive, caring bond that will carry through when the going gets tough.
For more information or to sign up for a license, please email [email protected] with your full name and contact phone number or contact the Padre on call. Limited licenses are available.
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