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Conflict of Interest

Conflict of Interest is a situation in which an NPF employee has private interests that could improperly influence the performance of his or her official duties and responsibilities or in which the NPF employee uses his or her position for personal gain. A real conflict of interest exists at the present time, an apparent conflict of interest could be perceived by a reasonable observer to exist, whether or not it is the case, and a potential conflict of interest could reasonably be foreseen to exist in the future.

The Conflict of Interest Policy assists CFMWS employees to prevent, manage and resolve conflict of interest that could impair their integrity and that of CFMWS.

The purpose of the NPF Conflict of Interest Policy is to: 

  • Ensure that in situations of real, apparent or potential conflict of interest and in situations where there is a conflict of duties, decisions are made in a manner which upholds the NPP and public interest; 
  • Facilitate ethical decision-making within organizations and for NPF employees dealing with potential conflict of interest situations; and  
  • Establish measures to assist NPF employees to prevent, manage and resolve conflict of interest that could impair either the integrity of NPP or the Public Service or the public's perception of its integrity.  

FAQ: Ethics and Conflict of Interest