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Bears Den - Officers Mess

The Officers Mess is located in the Evans Building and is a great area for socializing and special events. The Bears Den hosts social events which can be viewed on the events calendar.

Your Mess Committee:

PMC: Major Jason Jonhston
VPMC: Capt Lee Morrissey
Treasurer: Maj Marc-Andre Valois
Secretary: Captain Jordan Mathieu
Entertainment O: Capt Jorim Disengomoka
Housing O: Capt James Longaphie
IM O: Capt Lewis Macpherson

Clear In Process:

Please book an appointment with the PSP Manager, Tina, via email at [email protected] to clear in. 

General Announcements

If you are the OPI for an event, please inform the Ent O of what will be served/theme etc. OPIs can contact Tina Schauerte for payment cards, if needed. If you need to make arrangement for the Ent O to meet you outside of the mess, please advise soonest!

If you are the Rep for an event and you cannot organize for your specific date, advise the Ent O ASAP so arrangements can be made to shift around the schedule.

Upcoming Events:

Any questions or concerns, please contact the applicable OPI.

**Please note that there may be a sign up required prior to any of the events**

On-going Events:

Officers Coffee Every Tuesday at @1000 

Volunteers Needed

Looking for members to help with Mess events. If you are interested, please contact the event OPI.