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Specialty Instructor Recruitment

entraîneur et golfeur marchant sur le terrain de golf
Are you passionate about making a difference? Join our team of Specialty instructors and share your expertise with our vibrant community. Let us inspire and connect through the joy of learning and recreation
  • What is a specialty instructor?
    CFMWS employees make a real difference in the lives of our military community. The path to meaningful employment as a specialty instructor allows individuals to combine their passion with their desire to make a positive impact. 

    A specialty recreation instructor is a professional who possesses expertise in a specific area of recreation, such as arts and crafts, fitness, sports, music, or outdoor activities. These individuals are responsible for planning, organizing, and leading programs or classes related to their specialized field. Their primary role is to teach and inspire participants, helping them develop skills, explore new interests, and enjoy recreational activities. Their goal is to create engaging and memorable experiences that promote well-being, personal growth, and a sense of community among participants in their programs.
  • What type of qualifications will I need?
    Qualifications, education, and certifications for a specialty instructor can vary depending on the specific area of expertise. Here is a list of common qualifications and certifications that may be required or beneficial for various types of specialty instructors:

    Academic Degrees 

    Some specialties may require a bachelor's or advanced degree in a related field. For example, a dance instructor might have a degree in dance or performing arts.

    Professional Certifications 

    Many specialties require industry-recognized certifications. Examples include Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) for fitness instructors, Certified Scuba Diver Instructor for scuba diving instructors or Certified Yoga Instructor (CYT) for yoga instructors.


    In some fields, instructors may need to be licensed by provincial or national authorities. Examples include licensed massage therapists, licensed lifeguards, or licensed cosmetologists for beauty instructors.

    Specialized Training 

    Specialty instructors often undergo specialized training programs, which may be offered by institutions or organizations related to their field. For instance, wilderness first aid training for outdoor adventure instructors.


    Practical experience in the specific field is often a critical qualification. Instructors may need to demonstrate a certain number of hours or years of experience, especially in areas like music, art, or sports.

    CPR and First Aid Certification

    Many specialty instructors must be certified in CPR and first aid to ensure the safety of their participants. This is common for sports, fitness, and outdoor instructors.

    Teaching or Coaching Certifications 

    Instructors who teach or coach, especially in educational settings, may need teaching certifications or coaching licenses.

    Specialized Equipment or Gear

    In some specialties like scuba diving, skiing, or rock climbing, instructors may need specialized equipment and certifications related to equipment use and safety.
  • What are the benefits for working for CFMWS as a casual specialty instructor?
    Working as a casual recreation specialty instructor offers a range of benefits, making it an attractive career choice for those who are passionate about their field. Here is an outline of the key advantages:
    • Create Your Schedule: Casual instructors often have the flexibility to choose when they teach or lead activities, making it an excellent option for those with other commitments.
    • Teaching What You Love: Instructors get to share their passion and expertise in a subject they are enthusiastic about, making work more enjoyable. 
    • Personal Fulfillment: The satisfaction of inspiring others and seeing their growth is a rewarding aspect of being an instructor.
    • Training Opportunities: Our recreation departments offer training and professional development opportunities to help instructors improve their skills and stay up-to-date in their field. 
    • Networking: Instructors can network with other professionals in their industry, opening doors to potential collaborations and career growth.
    • Positive Influence: Instructors have the chance to make a meaningful impact on the lives of participants, fostering personal development, health, and well-being.
    • Varied Work Environment And. Diverse Settings: Specialty instructors can work in various settings, including community centers, schools, gyms, and outdoor locations, providing a dynamic work environment. 
    • Versatility: Opportunities to teach different age groups and skill levels add diversity to the job.
    • Supplemental Income: Casual positions can provide additional income, making them suitable for those seeking to boost their earnings.
    • Work-Life Balance: Casual positions typically require fewer hours, leaving time for personal pursuits, family, and other commitments. 
    • Confidence Building: Instructors often gain confidence in their abilities, both as educators and as leaders. 
    Working as a casual recreation specialty instructor is a fulfilling career choice, offering not only personal and professional rewards but also opportunities to share one's passion and contribute to the well-being of the community.
  • The selection process
    To ensure we attract the best possible specialty instructors, our selection process is designed to be thorough and inclusive. We have enhanced the process as follows:  

    Online Application

    Prospective instructors are invited to apply online.

    Submission Requirements

    In your resume and cover letter, please include the following information:
    • Your proficiency in both English and French, if applicable.
    • Your area of expertise, outlining both your experience and qualifications.
    • Your preferred age to work with.
    • Your availability to teach, specifying your preferred days of the week, times, and the desired class length, including number of classes.
    • A sample program description, syllabus and lesson plan (see sample

    Initial Application Review

    Our dedicated team will carefully review each application and may contact applicants for additional information or to schedule an interview. This initial screening allows us to ensure that candidates meet our basic qualifications and align with our department's needs.  

    Security Screening

    If selected to move forward, candidates will be required to undergo a security screening process, including a vulnerable sector check if working with minors. Ensuring a safe and secure environment for our participants is a top priority.  CFMWS is fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of all children in its care. It recognizes the responsibility to promote safe practices and to protect them from harm, abuse, and exploitation. 

    Compensation Discussion

    The salary for the position will be discussed during the interview, considering various factors such as the type of instruction and the candidate's qualifications.  Please note your salary expectations in your cover letter.

    Should you have any questions or require further information about the application process, please feel free to contact our Human Resources team at [email protected].

    We appreciate your interest in becoming a part of our team and look forward to reviewing your applications.
  • Employee testimonials
    Joining PSP as a fine arts instructor has been a truly fulfilling experience. I get to nurture creativity and artistic expression in military youth and witness their growth and confidence blossom. The military community's support and appreciation for the arts is remarkable, and it's heartwarming to see the positive impact our programs have on their lives. I feel honored to contribute to their well-rounded development through art." - Jessica, Fine Arts Instructor

    "As a music instructor with PSP, I have the privilege of sharing my passion for music with military families. It's amazing to witness the transformative power of music in their lives and see the joy it brings. The sense of camaraderie and appreciation within the military community is truly inspiring." - Michael, Music Instructor

    "PSP has provided me with a platform to combine my love for the outdoors with my passion for teaching. As an outdoor adventure instructor, I have the privilege of leading thrilling activities like rock climbing and kayaking for military families. Seeing their excitement, conquering challenges, and building strong bonds is what makes this job truly special. Working with the military community has taught me resilience, teamwork, and the importance of supporting one another." - Emily, Outdoor Adventure Instructor

Potential Specialty Instructors:

  • Fitness and Wellness
    • Certified Yoga Instructor
    • Personal Trainer with Specialization in High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
    • Nutritionist or Dietician offering Wellness Workshops
    • Pilates Instructor
    • Mindfulness and Meditation Guide
    • Wellness Coach focusing on Stress Management Zumba Fitness Instructor
    • Certified Wellness Retreat Facilitator
    • Functional Fitness Trainer
    • Holistic Health Practitioner
  • Sports and Martial Arts
    • Experienced Soccer Coach
    • Martial Arts Instructor (Karate, Taekwondo, Judo)
    • Certified Swimming Instructor
    • Tennis Coach
    • Golf Pro offering Clinics
    • Basketball Skills Trainer
    • Volleyball Coach
    • Track and Field Coach
    • Archery Instructor
    • Fencing Master
  • Arts and Crafts
    • Professional Painting and Drawing Instructor
    • Pottery and Ceramics Artisan
    • Graphic Design Workshop Facilitator
    • Photography Instructor
    • Jewelry Making Expert
    • Creative Writing and Storytelling Instructor
    • Textile Arts and Sewing Teacher
    • Sculpture and 3D Art Specialist
    • Floral Arrangement and Design
    • Instructor Calligraphy and Hand Lettering Teacher
  • Performing Arts
    • Dance Choreographer (Contemporary, Ballet, Hip-Hop)
    • Theater and Drama Instructor
    • Vocal Coach and Singing Teacher
    • Instrumental Music Instructor (Guitar, Piano, Violin)
    • Stage Lighting and Sound Technician
    • Circus Arts and Acrobatics Trainer
    • Improv Comedy Workshop Leader
    • Film and Video Production Mentor
    • Stand-Up Comedy Coach
    • Puppetry and Marionette Workshop Facilitator
  • Hobbies and General Interest
    • Gardening and Horticulture Expert
    • Outdoor Adventure Guide
    • Astronomy and Stargazing
    • Enthusiast Cooking and Culinary Arts Instructor
    • Travel Photography and Blogging
    • Mentor Pet Training and Care Specialist
    • DIY Home Improvement Workshop
    • Leader Language Learning and Linguistics
    • Tutor Board Games and Strategy Gaming
    • Instructor Historical Reenactment and
    • Costume Design Consultant