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Suicide Prevention and Awareness

Please note that this article may be activating and/or triggering for some people. If you are having thoughts of suicide, please reach out to your support or the contact numbers listed below:

September 10 is the National Day of Suicide prevention and awareness. The topic of suicide continues to be stigmatized and vastly misunderstood in our society today. Through education and awareness, we can create a sense of hope for people struggling with suicidal ideation (thoughts of suicide). 

Some of the misconceptions and stigma around suicide include:

•    “By mentioning suicide to a person, you are putting the idea in someone’s head”
•    “People who have suicidal thoughts want to end their life”
•    “Everyone who dies by suicide is depressed”
•    “Once you have thoughts of suicide you will always have thoughts of suicide”
It is important to note that suicidal ideation can be effectively treated with professional help. The first step is recognizing that a problem exists and seeking next step support in the form of help. Recognizing that there are several avenues in finding and seeking support. 

How to help a loved one, friend, colleague, who discloses thoughts of suicide:

•    Listen and communicate non-judgmentally 
•    Show genuine interest
•    Give reassurance (hope) and information
•    Encourage the person to reach out to appropriate professional help

How to assess if the situation is urgent:

Ask directly, “Are you having thoughts of suicide?” 
•    Do you have a plan for suicide?
•    Do you have a time and date? 
•    Do you intend to follow the plan? 
•    Have you taken steps to secure the means to end your life?
•    Have you been using drugs and alcohol?
•    Do you have a history of suicide in the past? 

***If you or someone you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide or needing mental health support, please note the following resources that are available for crisis support. If thoughts of suicide are imminent, call 911 or go to your nearest emergency department. 

Family Information Line 1-800-866-4546 
Duty Padre-Military Police 613-820-0123
Canadian Forces Military Assistance Program (CFMAP) 1-800-268-7708 
Ottawa Distress Centre 613-238-3311 
Québec Info Santé 811 
Mental Health Crisis Line (24/7) 1-866-996-0991 
Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868
Talk Suicide Canada 1-833-456-4566 for residents of Quebec 1-866-277-3553

Resources utilized for this article.
Mental Health First Aid Canada - Reference Guide 
World Health Organization
National Alliance on Mental Health Illness