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H&R MFRC Unit Family Representative (UFR)

The Unit Family Representative (UFR) is a military member chosen to represent their unit to work closely with the Chain of Command and the H&R MFRC. The role is a collaborative effort to increase resiliency of unit members and their families to meet the challenges of military life. An annual training opportunity is conducted at the H&R MFRC for all UFRs to train and enhance their understanding of the H&R MFRC and their important role.

May 2024May 2024March 2024

As ambassadors of the H&R MFRC, the Unit Family Representatives raise awareness of the H&R MFRC as a resource for members and families by:

  • Attending annual UFR training session to learn about the H&R MFRC;
  • Referring members to the H&R MFRC for information or support;
  • Providing opportunities for the H&R MFRC to offer annual unit briefing;
  • Submitting quarterly Routine Order entries;
  • Distributing H&R MFRC branded promotional items at unit events;
  • Contributing to the well-being and esprit de corps of the unit; and
  • Ongoing promotion of programs and services of the H&R MFRC within unit.

Upcoming Training Events

Wednesday September 25 | 8:30am to 12pm | HFX MFRC

Thursday November 14 | 8:30am to 12pm | SHW MFRC

What UFRs are saying about the training:

  • "The training was delivered very well and I was very impressed with the enthusiasm and positivity of all of the presenters. I was also impressed with how well the time flowed and thank you for the hospitality." March 2024
  • "The length of training and breaks provided were fantastic! I found the environment very comfortable and most of the presentations easy to follow." March 2024
  • "The training was well thought out and easy to follow." March 2024
  • "Great presenters and valid information." May 2023
  • "Great training, cannot wait to start this secondary role within the unit." May 2023

UFR Training Session, May 2024

How to become a UFR

We welcome anyone who is interested to become a UFR, regardless of your rank. 

We suggest you first connect with your leadership team to inquire if there is an assigned UFR within your unit. It is the responsibility of the CO to appoint a UFR for their unit. There can be upwards of 3 UFRs appointed per unit depending upon the size of the unit. The unit CO should email the H&R MFRC UFR Coordinator appointing their designated UFR. 

UFRs can expect to commit anywhere from 1 to 3 hours per month to supporting their unit in this role, with the major determining factors being the overall size of the unit and the time of year (posting season). All UFRs will attend a 3-hour training session. These sessions will be offered multiple times throughout the year, including nights and weekends. 

UFRs will receive a resource handbook to assist them in fulfill their role plus, there will be opportunities to connect both with the H&R MFRC and the vast network of over 80 UFRs throughout CFB Halifax. 

Contact for more information: [email protected] or 427-7788