Click here for Fitness Schedule
- Open-concept universal showers & washrooms
- Day lockers for use
- Cardio equipment
- Open-concept weight room
- Semi-enclosed gym floor
- Effective Monday, January 8, the parking spaces immediately beside the Stadacona Fitness & Sports Centre (including the accessible spaces) will be designated for gym patrons and will no longer be available to general parking pass holders from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. on weekdays. You will be asked to provide your license plate number when signing into the gym if using one of these spaces.
- The visitor lot on the north end of the Naval Museum of Halifax (building S20) may be used as overflow parking for gym patrons.
- Defence Team members with a Dockyard/Stadacona parking pass should use general parking areas when going to the Stadacona gym unless they have physical/medical limitations that necessitate the use of close proximity (gym patron) parking.
- Members working at Windsor Park, Willow Park and HMC Dockyard are reminded that they may also use the CFB Halifax shuttle service to access Stadacona property during daytime working hours (7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.).
- Motorcycle parking will be relocated from the gym parking area to a lot on the south end of building S82.
Q - When will the facility be available for use?
A - The Facility will be open to all Defense Team Members, following the grand opening ceremonies on January 8, 2024.
Q - What are the facility’s hours of operation?
A - Monday – Friday 0600-2100hrs, Saturday and Sunday 0900-1700hrs.
Q - How can Defence Team members sign up to participate in scheduled activities?
A - Drop In Fitness Schedule does not require registration. Recreation Programming can be found on:
Q - Can the open court/gymnasium area be reserved? If so, how can Defence Team members reserve the area?
A - Unit PT/Sports can be booked through Briana Plante at To check daily availability Defence team members can call the Stadacona Front desk at 902-721-0133
Q - What items should Defence Team members bring with them to the facility (towels, locks, shampoo/conditioner, water bottle, etc.)?
A - The locker are is a shared area. Private shower/bathroom/changing stalls are available for use. Members are encouraged to bring all items they require for their workout and getting ready. Lockers are day use only.
Q - What items will be provided (pinnies, sports equipment, etc.)?
A - Sports equipment will be loaned out from the front desk.
Q - Can members bring in their own equipment for the open gymnasium area (basketballs, soccer balls, etc.)?
A - Yes
Q - Where can Defence Team members park when using the facility?
A - Gym Visitor spots are available beside the gym. Must sign vehicle sheet at the front desk. Stadacona parking policy applies on base for Gym members.
Q - Will Defence Team members have to sign-in/sign-out or show DND ID when using the facility?
A - Members will be required to sign in on paper at the front desk and show their DND ID. Membership ID’s will be required once the NPF IT system is installed.
Q - If the facility reaches capacity, how will this be managed? Will members be limited to how much time they can have in the gym for their session?
A - Occupancy for the building is 134 persons. The front desk attendant will monitor occupancy every half hour and update signage at the front of the building as required.
Contact Us:
For information regarding the NEW Stad Gym, please call (902) 721-0133
DND members, with a Military ID, are encouraged to purchase a Gym Activity Pass (GAP) in order to gain full access to all 3 PSP Fitness, Sports and Recreation Centers, as well as Public Swims, Public Skates and Macdonald Beach.
Military Dependents or others, without a Military ID, are encouraged to purchase a Gym Activity Pass (GAP) in order to gain full access to the Shearwater Fitness, Sports and Recreation Center, as well as Public Swims, Public Skates and Macdonald Beach.
Click here for GAP pricing and information.