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Gear up the fun factor with a Movie inspired birthday themed party. Popcorn’s hot and drinks are chilled – just send out the invites and make that birthday child have an extra special day at the movies!
Option 1
During regular movie hours, Package includes reserved seating, party goers get a Mini Terra Special (small popcorn, juice box or water and box of smarties)
Access to the Party Zone one hour before the movie. Inside the Party Zone, you’ll find exciting activities like Air Hockey, Pop-A-Shot Basketball Game, and the Target Bowl. It’s a great spot for celebrating with cake and presents!
$20 per child $8 per parent/guardian
Option 2
Looking for something different and exclusive – give that extra special birthday experience Movie Private birthday party! Whether they are gold and glitter for a Hollywood red carpet event or ready for scfi fun.
The Party will be completely exclusive to the Invite Only event to join the Birthday Child. Plus, Party Goers get a Mini Terra Special (small popcorn, juice box or water and box of smarties)
Access to the Party Zone one hour before the movie. For Air Hockey, Pop-A-Shot Basketball Game, and the Target Bowl. Perfect space for cake and presents.
$225 Host up to 20 children (not including guardians)
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