Shooting Club
It is our goal to provide our customers a high quality, first-class shooting experience. As Shooting is a life sport, programs are available to promote participation for all level and ages in a safe and responsible manner.
- New Member Registration and Web Site
Annual General Meeting
The Valcartier Recreational Shooting Club (VRSC) is a non-profit organization governed by a Board of Directors. This board administers the club on behalf of the members. Each year, you will be invited to the Annual General Meeting where important issues concerning the club are communicated and voted upon. This is also the time to express your views on matters that concern you in relation to the club.
The 2025 date for the Annual General Meeting of the Valcartier Recreational Shooting Club will be confirmed shortly.
Attendance form
Available soon
Your presence is essential, as we must reach a minimum quorum of 50% + 1 of the regular members to hold the AGM. It is vital that every member attend this meeting: if a quorum is not reached, the club may have to cease its activities (stop shooting) until a new meeting with a quorum is held.
Registration Procedures
A VRSC membership runs from April 1 of the current year to March 31 of the following year. No discount will be offered for registrations made during the year.
For new full members, registrations made on or after November 1 are valid for a period covering the following year.
Step-by-step file (French document)
Step 1: Fill in the registration form: New member registration 2025 / 2026
Documents required for registration:
- Photo (front and back) of PPA
- Photo of Bill 9 certificate (if applicable)
- Passport-size photo of your face
Signed copy of VRSC waiver form (French document)
- A photo of your membership card from another club (associate members only)
Step 2: Apply for an account. (Book King)
Note: It may take up to 24 hours for the account request to be activated.
Step 3: Pay your invoice (see step-by-step file ) (French document)
Members Categories
Regular : Military, Reservist or Veteran
Ordinary: DND or non-public service employee or retiree
Associate: Any other person. Associate members must be sponsored by an active regular member of the VRSC. They must also be members of another shooting club in order to become VSC members.
To become a PSP member, click here
148,45 $ (2 nfa)
168.40 $ (3 nfa)
188,35 $ (4 nfa)
208,30 $ (5 nfa)166,54 $ (2 nfa)
186.49 $ (3 nfa)
206,44 $ (4 nfa)
226,39 $ (5 nfa)Ordinary
162,01 $ (2 nfa)
181.96 $ (3 nfa)
201,91 $ (4 nfa)
221,86 $ (5 nfa)180,10 $ (2 nfa)
200.05 $ (3 nfa)
220,00 $ (4 nfa)
239,95 $ (5 nfaAssociate
Associate members do not have access to family registration.
* All prices include volunteer fees, which are reimbursed if a member makes 2 range openings per year.
** Taxes not included
To be a member of the VRSC, you must have third-party insurance covering shooting sports (NFA). Insurance is included in our rates.
Member Ratio
The constitution of the Vaclartier Recration Shooting Club (VRSC) imposes the following membership ratios: Regular (50% +1), Ordinary (max 30%) and Associate (max 20%).
The VRSC's primary goal is to serve military personnel, ex-military personnel, employees and ex-employees of DND, as well as anyone in the geographic area that allows them to join the PSP Plan at the Valcartier military base.
If this is not your case, you must be sponsored by a regular member and simultaneously be a member of another shooting club or association. -
- A member may invite a friend to shoot on the ranges with him or her. He/she must go to the Sports Centre to pay the daily access fee of $8.70 + tax. The invoice will serve as the member's right of access to the range.
- Family member: A member may invite a family member living in the same household to shoot with him/her free of charge. They must present themselves at the Sports Centre to receive an invoice for $0, which will serve as their right of access to the shooting range. Proof of residence will be required.
Shooting Procedure
- Check the operations calendar (or Facebook page) to see if a shooting range (SR) is open and if there is an official assigned to open it. Opening hours are also indicated in the calendar.
- For SRs located in the CFB Valcartier administrative zone (Famagusta, Nicosia, Batoche, Cambrai and Normandie):
- Report directly to the SR; and
- Report your presence to the official and sign the register (if applicable).
- For SRs located in the CFB Valcartier training area(Ortona, Austère, Trois-Rivières):
- Report to range control (CTSE BFC Valcartier, édifice 596, C.P. 1000 Succ. Forces, Courcelette QC G0A 4Z0) ;
- Sign the attendance register and collect your pass;
- Proceed to the SRs; and
- Report your presence to the official.
Our Shooting Ranges
- Cambrai: 100 - 600 yards. Mainly rifle shooting (max. caliber: .300 Win Mag )
- Batoche : 100 - 600 yards. Mainly rifle (max. caliber: .300 Win Mag).
- Famagusta: 25 - 300 yards. Mainly rifle shooting, pistol possible (max. caliber: .308 Win)
- Nicosia: 25 - 300 meters. Mainly rifle, pistol possible (max. caliber: .308 Win).
- Normandy: 100 meters. Mainly rifle shooting (max. caliber: .308 Win)
- Ortona: 25 - 300 meters. Mainly rifle (max. caliber: .338 Lapua)
- Austère A and B : 10 - 90 meters. Mainly pistol shooting, rifle possible (max. caliber: .308 Win)
- Trois-Rivières: 0 - 1400 meters. Long-distance shooting (max. caliber: .375 Enabler)
Shooting Range Club Rules
To consult the club rules, click on the following links:
VSC Regulations
Additional regulation page 2
Additional regulation page 1
Shooters register (Officals must fill-out this register) Range and training area standing ordersWaver (Registration document)
To reach the Director of Operations
The Director of Operations is responsible for reserving ranges, maintaining the schedule and ensuring that there is a security official on site. You can contact him for questions or offer your services.
Pierre-Yves Beaudet
VSRC Operations Director