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Adult Swim Club

person lane swimming

The goal of the CFB Kingston Adult Swim Club is to promote fitness and health for adults 18 years and older through the sport of swimming.

We welcome swimmers of all levels (beginner to advanced, non-competitive and competitive). Swimming is considered to be one of the best and safest ways to exercise. Come enjoy the benefits of physical and mental well-being.

The season runs from 1st September to 31st August each year (except for annual shut-down in June), and we swim Monday and Wednesday only in July and August.

At the start of the season

Regular Members: $235.00
Ordinary Members: $255.00
Associate Members: $350.00

From January onward

Regular members: $165.00
Ordinary members: $177.00
Associate members: $234.00
Senior members: $86.00
Masters Swim Ontario Fee: $35.00