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How To Register For Programs

Wondering how to create an account and register for our many programs.  Learn how here!

How to create a Book King account: 

  1. If you do not already have an account or a membership go to the following website: 
  2. In the top left corner click Log On 
  3. If you have forgotten your account information, click Retrieve account information and follow the steps. 
  4. If do not have an account click Create new account 
  5. A window will pop up with two options: 
  • If you are only registering only yourself in a program choose: Create Individual Account 
  • If you are the payee and are intending to register other participants choose: Create Group Member Account 
  1. Once you have chosen the account type, the first screen is the billing information, please enter the payee information here. 
  2. Next create your username and password 
  3. Fill in all required fields, including date of birth. 
  4. If you chose to create a Group Member Account you will be prompted to enter the group members and their individual information. 
  • Group members are individuals of your group you wish to register in programs. 
  1. To activate your account go to your email and follow the link to log in. 
  2. Once logged in you can modify your account information under My Account 
  • You can edit information or add new group members under the Group Members tab. 
  • This can also be done in the Individual Account option. 

How to register for programs: 

  1. Click on the Courses tab 
  2. The course catalog will appear on the screen 
  3. Under Search Criteria use the drop down menu to find desired programming 
  4.  Use the Search By drop down menu to narrow your search by course name or course code. 
  5. Type in the name or code of the course 
  6. Click Go! 
  7. A list of programs will appear below 
  8. To the left the details of the course will be displayed (dates, times etc.) 
  9. When you select the course, you will be able to choose which Group Memberto enroll by selecting a check box next to their name. 
  10. Continue enroll each participant and then proceed to the check out.