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Spring Refresh

Marion Hall, BSW, RSW | March 2024

We are so close, that you can feel the change in the air, we are on the cusp of spring. The season of renewal and rejuvenation, the weather is warming up and flowers are soon to be blossoming as we are reminded of the awesomeness and resilience of nature as it awakens from its winter slumber. We are about to enter a season symbolized by growth and new life, fresh starts, renewed energy, and inspiration. Traditionally a time to spring clean, declutter, and organize our physical environment, open the windows, and let the fresh air in. In the same manner, the upcoming season can be a time to spring-clean our minds, refresh our mental health, and invigorate our overall well-being. 

Spring is a fantastic time to refresh our lives, renew our commitment to healthy habits, and embrace change as nature is doing. It is a time to declutter not only our homes but our lives and mental health.  A time to embrace changes that will aid in improving our mental health. Here are a few strategies that may help put your plan for renewed mental health well on its’ way to success.

Get outside! Mother Nature is a wonderful healer and offers strong therapeutic benefits. As the temperature is warming up dosages of Vitamin D are on the rise due to longer days and increased sunshine. This sunshine vitamin is essential for our mood and overall mental health. Research has shown that a lack of Vitamin D is associated with anxiety and depression. Engaging with nature will lower our cortisol level (our stress hormone), improve our mood, reduce feelings of anxiety and if expending energy, improve our physical health.

Get moving! Physical activity and mental health go hand in hand. Research has long demonstrated that physical activity contributes to improved mental health. Exercise is a valuable tool against depression and anxiety. Spring’s warmer weather is a wonderful invitation to engage in activities outdoors. Maybe this is the season to begin a running program, take up biking again, or set new distance goals. What a time to go hiking in the wonderful outdoors!

Get Involved! Spring is a great time to reconnect with friends after winter hibernation. The longer days make us inclined to socialize, visit folks we have not seen in a while, dust off the BBQ, and organize gatherings. Social connection is vital for our mental health and what better time to refresh our connections than spring? Involvement may also be checking out new clubs in your area, (pickleball calling?), volunteering in your community, or offering your services to neighbors who may need a little extra help.

Spring is a time not only to declutter our homes but to declutter and spring clean our minds. It is synonymous with renewal, refresh, and reset. The same can be said for our minds and thought processes.  It is a time when we can revisit our priorities, set new intentions and goals, and practice mindfulness. Like a trip to the thrift store to let go of “our stuff”…let go of negative thoughts and behavioral patterns. Similar to opening the window to allow fresh spring air in we can open up our minds to fresh ideas and opportunities.   

If you find yourself needing to speak with someone because you are experiencing a difficult time or require assistance for a family member, please visit our Family Mental Health webpage for various resources including the MFS US Family Counsellor and the Family Information Line (FIL) at 1-800-866-4546.