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Dress Code


Summary of Key Points

  • Hair that extends below the lower part of the collar must be tied back away from the face.
  • Hair accessories must be black, dark blue, or similar to the member’s hair color.
  • Facial hair is restricted to a maximum length of 2.5 centimeters (1 inch), and facial hair accessories are not authorized.
  • All personnel must maintain a neat, tidy, and well-groomed appearance, ensuring their look reflects positively on the CAF.
  • Dress and comportment should align with the principles of safety, operational effectiveness, inclusion, and societal norms.


In November 2021, the Directorate of History and Heritage (DHH) highlighted the need for more inclusive dress instructions, addressing discriminatory practices and aligning with the Government of Canada’s Employment Equity and constitutional rights. Approved changes, effective September 2022, aim to provide Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members greater personal choice in their appearance while maintaining safety, operational effectiveness, and reflecting CAF’s values and traditions.

General Principles

  • CAF members’ appearance and dress must:
  • Be safe and operationally effective.
  • Be inclusive and reflective of changing societal norms.
  • Project a positive military appearance and reflect credit on the CAF and the individual.



  • All ranks, in uniform or civilian attire, must reflect credit on the CAF.
  • Members must ensure adherence to policies, regulations, and instructions through vigilance, actions, and example.


  • Personnel in uniform must project a positive military appearance.

Military Presence

  • CAF personnel must dress and comport themselves professionally, respectfully, and cohesively.

Key Points

  • Reflect credit on the CAF and the individual.
  • Responsibility of all CAF members.
  • Positive military appearance.
  • Professional, respectful, disciplined, cohesive force.

Hair Guidelines

General Hair Standards

  • Hair must not interfere with the proper wear of military headdress or protective equipment.
  • The face must remain visible without headdress.
  • Hair must be well-groomed, neat, tidy, and reflect a positive image.

Specific Guidelines

  • Hair extending below the collar must be tied back away from the face.
  • Acceptable hair accessories: black, dark blue, or similar to the member’s hair color. Bandanas and colored bows are not authorized.
  • Shaving of hair on the head is permitted.
  • Hair coloring, wigs, locks, or hair extensions are allowed.

Ceremonial Occasions

  • Hair extending below the service dress jacket collar must be secured in styles such as buns, single or double braids, or multi braids pulled back.

Unauthorized Styles

  • No messy buns, loose strands, pins sticking out, or large hair clips.
  • Bangs must not cover or fall in the face.

Facial Hair Guidelines

General Standards

  • All styles of facial hair and sideburns are authorized but must be trimmed, neatly groomed, and symmetrical to a maximum length of 2.5 cm (1 inch).
  • Facial hair accessories are not authorized.
  • Commanders can impose restrictions for operational requirements or safety.

Specific Guidelines

Facial hair must not exceed 2.5 cm in length.

Mustaches, including handlebar mustaches, must not exceed 2.5 cm in length.


Changes will take effect on 2 July 2024.

Authorized Accessories

Accessories must be simple and unobtrusive, aligned with the professional image of the CAF.


All CAF members are responsible for adhering to these guidelines to ensure their appearance reflects positively on the CAF and supports its values of professionalism, respect, and discipline. Any deviations or accommodations should be discussed with the chain of command in accordance with DAOD 5516-3.
