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Officers' Mess

Mess Events and Bar hours

1 Yukon Lane, Toronto, ON  M3K 0A1

Mess: 190 persons
Patio Area: 378 Persons

Mess Committee

PMC: Major Sasha Paul [email protected]

VPMC: Major Neil Gagnon [email protected]

Secretary: Lt Kyle Donnelly [email protected]

Treasurer: Capt Ginelle Melisa Espeut [email protected]

Communications Rep: Lt(N) Alecia Morris [email protected]

Bar Officer Capt Russell McAllister [email protected]

         Sport RepCapt Cody Beard [email protected]a

          Entertainment Rep: LCdr Chris Eastmond [email protected]           

          Entertainment Rep: Capt Jevin Jeyaveerasingam [email protected]

        Housing Rep:  Maj Dave Larrett [email protected]

Wifi Password: FinallyWifi2018!

AGM Minutes

Dress Code

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