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Mood Boosters

Ashley Young | January 2024


Join a social group, invite a friend for coffee, make small talk with a stranger, or if you're not up for face-to-face, opt for making a friendly phone call! 

Humans are innately social creatures and studies have shown when you have a satisfying relationship with family, friends, a romantic partner, neighbors, co-workers or even your furry friends, you’re happier, have fewer health problems and live longer. 


Whether you're cranking up your favorite playlist, rediscovering an old hobby or passion, or simply unwinding with a leisurely bubble bath, carving out moments for yourself and the activities that bring you joy is crucial to fostering a sense of contentment and balance.


Embrace sound sleep habits for a restful night! Prioritize quality rest by winding down your devices before bedtime and establishing a consistent nightly routine that promotes quality rest, ensuring that each day begins with renewed vitality.


Physical activities that get your heart rate up, like dancing, hiking, or swimming, can stimulate the release of endorphins while the sheer pleasure derived from the activity further enhances its mood-boosting effects.


Engage in meditation to center your thoughts, journal your reflections for clarity, declutter your space to invite peace, or stretch your body to release tension. By embracing these intentional moments, you pave the way for a harmonious and balanced existence amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life.


Everyone can benefit from spending a few moments each day reflecting on and acknowledging the things that evoke a sense of gratitude. By intentionally redirecting your focus towards the positive facets of life, you are nurturing a mindset infused with positivity and optimistic perspective. These 3 steps can help you begin your gratitude journey:

  1. Notice good things around you; actively seek, appreciate, and acknowledge them. 
  2. Immerse yourself in the moment; savour and attentively absorb whatever it is you’re feel grateful for.  
  3. Express your gratitude to yourself by documenting you or expressing thanks to those who contribute to your moments of positivity. 


Time outdoors is linked to reduced stress, elevated mood and can benefit just about everyone, no matter their location. Even on a cloudy day, just getting some good ‘ol fresh air can have a positive effect. Think strolling in a local park, getting outside on your lunch break, hiking on weekends, or simply puttering in your garden or basking in the beauty of your own backyard.


Laughter really is the best medicine! Not only does it trigger healthy physical and emotional changes in the body, it also strengthens your immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress. Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use.

As individual responses to these practices may vary, it's important to discover a personalized approach to wellness. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle by encompassing regular exercise, a balanced diet, and ample sleep, contributes significantly to the overarching goal of sustained well-being.