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28-day Core Challenge

Fitness instructor performing core exercises
Join PSP for our 28-day Core Challenge! During the first 28 days of the month of February, you will be given a new exercise each day to perform in order to increase the strength and endurance of your core muscles. On February 29, we'll be holding a special draw for all challenge participants.

Whether your goal is to lose weight, build strength, train for a lifting competition or simply maintain your health, this challenge has something for everyone! Each exercise will be posted on our social media platforms in order to ensure proper form and technique. If you need some extra encouragement, our PSP Fitness Instructors will be adding these same exercises to all our classes and training programs throughout the month of February in each of our staffed NCR locations!

Register for the challenge HERE (using a DWAN computer) and and receive your 28-day Core Challenge calendar!

*Do each exercise for 30 seconds followed by a 30 second rest. When you have an exercise that needs to be done per side, perform 30 seconds per side before taking your 30 seconds rest. Complete 3 to 5 rounds.

**Wondering where to check out how to properly perform each day's exercise? Take a look at our daily VIDEO STORY on the Instagram/Facebook accounts below


On February 29th, we held a special draw for all Challenge participants and 28 lucky winners snagged a $25 gift card from Starbucks, Amazon, or Canadian Tire. Check out the list of winners below and stay tuned for more exciting challenges coming your way! 

*Winners will be contacted by email with instructions on how to get their gift cards.

1. LCol / lcol Jana Colart
2. Capt / capt Marjorie Colomer
3. Lt(N) / ltv Juliana Currie
4. Cpl/cpl Michael Charbonneau
5. LCdr / capc Eric Bertrand
6. Capt / capt Laura Lester
7. Capt / capt Luke Michaelis
8. LCol / lcol Michael Chagnon
9. Cdr / capf Kenna Turcotte
10. Mcpl / cplc Mathieu Racette
11. CWO / adjuc John Hall
12. MCpl / cplc Laurence Dupuis
13. Cpl / cpl Damba Gymnivov
14. Sgt / sgt Mathieu Normand
15. Cpl / cpl Geneviève Gagnon-Dufour
16. Maj / maj Kayne Carr
17. Lt / lt Isabelle Hendy
18. WO / adj Nicole Garlough
19. MCpl / cplc Marie-Claude Beaulieu
20. Col / col Ian Davis
21. Maj / maj Mike Fenton
22. Col / col Leigh Holland
23. Capt / capt Cherie-Lyn Hillier-Templeton
24. MWO / adjum Thomas Graham
25. LCol / lcol Amanda Ives
26. Capt / capt Vanessa Pomeyrol
27. Capt / capt Florent Mobiot
28. Maj / maj Benjamin Studd

Don't have a Facebook or Instagram account? Did you miss our Story? No worries, watch the videos below!

Fitness instructor doing exercice

Day 1 - Kneeling push-ups

Keep your core tight and bring your chest to the floor while pushing your body back up to a plank position.
Fitness instructor doing exercice

Day 2 - Cat/Cow

On your hands and knees, arch your back while looking up and then push your belly button in and round your back as much as possible while tucking your chin in.
Fitness instructor doing exercice

Day 3 - Plank hold

On your hands or elbows, maintain a plank position.
Fitness instructor doing exercice

Day 5 - Hollow Hold

Lying on your back, lift your feet and arms off the floor, while keeping your low back on the floor.
fitness instructor doing exercice

Day 6 - Climber (opposite knee to elbow)

In a plank position, bring your knee to the opposite elbow and alternate sides.
Fitness instructor doing exercise

Day 7 - Bird Dog

With your hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips, extend your right leg behind you and right arm in front, without arching your lower back. Alternate sides.
Fitness instructor doing exercise

Day 8 - Side plank

On the side, hold the plank with you forearm on the floor.
Fitness instructor doing exercise

Day 9 - Toe Touch

Lying on the floor on your back, bring your legs straight up. With your arms straight try and touch as high as you can towards your toes.
Fitness instructor doing exercise

Day 10 - Superman hold

Lying on the floor on your stomach with your arms straight out in front of you, lift your feet and arms off the floor and hold.
Fitness instructor doing exercise

Day 12 - Inch Worm

Standing tall, keep your legs as straight as possible and reach down with your arms towards the floor. Walk your hands out into a plank position and walk back to initial standing position.
Fitness instructor doing exercise

Day 13 - Plank Jacks

In a plank position, in one movement, open both feet to then bring them back together while keeping your core tight.
Fitness instructor doing exercise

Day 14 - Scap Push-ups

In a plank position, keeping your arms straight retract and protract your shoulder blades while keeping your core tight.
Fitness instructor doing exercise

Day 15 - Shoulder Taps

In a plank position, bring your right hand to your left shoulder while alternating sides.
Fitness instructor doing exercise

Day 16 - Flutter Kicks

In a hollow position, keeping your legs straight, alternate kicking your feet up and under each other
Fitness instructor doing exercise

Day 17 - 1 leg glute bridge

Lying on your back, bend one knee, while pushing the other leg straight up to the ceiling, hold that position.
Fitness instructor doing exercise

Day 19 - Reverse Crunch

Lying on your back, bring both legs up with knees bent. Bring your knees towards your chest without swinging.
Fitness instructor doing exercise

Day 20 - Standing Obliques with a weight

Standing tall with a weight in your hands above your head. Bend to each side slightly without moving your hips.
Fitness instructor doing exercise

Day 21 - Lateral Crunch

Lying on your back, bend your knees with your feet on the floor. Arms straight on each sides with palms facing up, bend on each side trying to read the heel of your foot.
Fitness instructor doing exercise

Day 22 - Glute Bridge

Lying on your back with knees bent and feet on the floor, lift your hips up off the floor and hold the position.
Fitness instructor doing exercise

Day 23 - Plank leg lift

In a plank position, alternate by lifting one leg at a time from the floor while keeping your leg straight and core engaged.
Fitness instructor doing exercise

Day 24 - Straight leg lifts

Lying on the floor with your legs straight up, lift your hips off the floor in a small and controlled movement, without swinging your entire body.
Fitness instructor doing exercise

Day 26 - Side clam shells

Lying in a side plank position, keeping one knee on the floor, lift your hips up off the floor while opening your knees and back down. Keep your hip off the floor and all times.