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Active Breaks

Yoga Class
Add some movement to your day!

What is an active break?

Active breaks are short breaks within the working day that include physical movement (1). Active breaks can help break up sedentary activities, improve productivity, focus, mood, overall wellness, and can be part of creating a supportive work environment.

How much Activity is Enough?

Active breaks can be as little as 20 seconds to 15 minutes, ideally getting your heart rate up, and can be done in your regular clothing, no PT gear required! (2) The key is to break up long periods of sitting or other sedentary activities as often as possible (3). 

How to support active breaks in the workplace

  • Lead by example 
  • Set time aside for regular breaks; remember this can improve productivity! 
  • Having trouble fitting it in your schedule? Sneak it in! No matter when, where or how your work be creative and try to squeeze small bouts of activity during your day.
  • Encourage standing during meetings, or third location meetings. Encourage group “move-breaks” to improve team cohesion 
  • Set up prompts on your computer or mobile device to stand up, walk or “Take 10” by doing 10 squats, 10 push-ups or a 10-minute walk
  • Provide ideas to your team of what a quick break could look like

Active Break Examples

  • Group Walks

    Organizing group walks with your team is another great way to promote a healthy lifestyle and to increase productivity in your workplace. These can be held as a weekly or monthly team activity, or as part of a lunchtime ritual. 

    How to start a group walk in your office: 

    • Decide where to meet for the walk, where to go and how long you will walk for. You may want to check the NCC trail maps before heading out. 
    • Look for safe locations outdoors that are quiet enough for people to hold a conversation. For example, suggested routes around NDHQ(Carling) are focused on walking paths and limit walking on the road. 
    • Send a meeting invite, so people remember to bring their walking shoes. This can be a reoccurring weekly invite. Reschedule in case of poor weather.
    • Group walks can also be hikes in more wooded/ hilly areas and may include a Picnic lunch to have a meeting there. This is an option for team building instead of going to a coffee shop, restaurant or mess. 

    Group walks can also be extended to more than just one department. Putting up posters around your office area can encourage members of other departments to join in as well. Keep the conversation going by ending the group walk with coffee or tea.

  • Mini Putt in Coffee Cups
    Setting up a small mini putt course in a conference room, classroom or office area can be a quick and fun activity.  
  • Stretching and Breathing
    Stretching and breathing exercises can also be very beneficial for physical wellbeing and can be done on an individual basis. Providing tools to team members on how to practice deep breathing and stretches contributes to a supportive work environment and can also normalize these practices.

    Pro-tip: use these practices to start your team meetings! Put up posters of desk stretching and guided deep breathing around your office. 
  • Walking Meetings or Third Location Meetings
    Walking meetings work best with smaller groups, one on one, or during audio calls. Walking meetings are good for brainstorming and problem-solving, however might not be the best option if there is a lot of note-taking involved. If you are on an audio call, be mindful of where you choose to walk, selecting areas with lower traffic, and look where you are going to avoid walking distracted. 

    Tips for holding walking meetings: 
    • Plan ahead, map out a route (indoors or out) 
    • Give prior notice, choosing best time to walk (time of day, weather, location) 
    • Prepare an agenda, send it to everyone ahead of time to reference

    Third location meetings can be done with the whole team. Plan for an appropriate location (seating, sun/shade, noise, space), at a walking distance of 5-15 minutes away, and hold your meeting there. Not only do you get some extra steps in your day, it changes the scenery and the vibe of the group. 


  1. Participaction. (2020, December 11). 5 Reasons Why Active Breaks Are Good For Business.
  2.  Ali, C. (2020, December 21). How to work ‘‘exercise snacks’’ into your day. The University of British Columbia.
  3.  The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology. (2021). 24 Hour Movement Guidelines.