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YOUth Matter Mondays - Art Project with Indigenous artist Portia Chapman

picture of indigenous artist Portia Chapman

Join us for this special edition of our YOUth Matter Mondays with Indigenous Artist Portia Chapman!

  • 1600 - 1900 Monday
  • Kingston Military Family Resource Centre
Local artist Portia Chapmanl will join us to guide you through a Truth and Reconciliation Day art project. This art will hang in the Mental Health and Wellness waiting room  at the KMFRC for a time before participants will have the chance to take it home. Registration will be required for this event. Information about Portia Chapman can be found at CV – Love Art by Po (

Please register in advance for the event using the form below!
picture of indigenous artist Portia Chapman

Registration Form

As we will be serving some snacks at the event, please let us know about any possible food allergies or intolerances.
When you attend this event or activity, you will be entering an area where photography, audio, and video recording may occur. By entering the event or activity premises, you consent to such recording media and its release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction for promotional purposes.