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Prinos Resort/Crete

The villa is on the north coast of Crete overlooking the Cretan Sea.  It is located in the quaint little town of Prinos near Rethymno. 

Prinos Resort


The villa is on the north coast of Crete overlooking the Cretan Sea.  It is located in the quaint little town of Prinos near Rethymno.  Of all the Greek Islands, Crete is the largest offering a rich landscape of beaches, mountains, olive groves, canyons and caves.  Crete is also considered the birthplace of the menoans who rules some 4000 years ago. There is still an archeological site on the island where you can learn more about this ancient civilisation. 

Wether you are looking to learn more about the civilisation that ruled many years ago or prefer relaxing on one of Cretes beaches or hiking in canyons and gorges, Crete has something for everyone. 

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