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October 2023 - Leo Kwok

Meet Leo, the incredible volunteer who unceasingly lends his expertise to promote community engagement at the Esquimalt MFRC. His dedication makes a world of difference!

Lisa Church, Community Engagement Manager at the Esquimalt MFRC, introduces us to a volunteer who embodies community spirit. “Known for his warm and kind personality, Leo brings a wave of positivity and a sense of belonging to the entire MFRC community, a perfect example of the significant role a volunteer can create. Be it lending his culinary skills for BBQ, setting up for special events, entertaining children with games and face painting, or handling our cute mascot Radar, there is no task he shies away from.”

“He brings staff, volunteers, and military families a feeling of belonging in his positive presence. You can't help but smile and have fun when Leo is present,” says Lisa.

Leo's volunteer efforts directly affect military families. He encourages them to partake in events and engage with the community. As a strong supporter of the military family community, for the last five years, Leo's positive impact is a testament to the power of volunteering.