Does your family need care for a family member in an emergency situation?

Woman and child at table

Emergency Child Care in Petawawa

Monday to Friday 8 AM - 4 PM call (613) 687-1641 ext. 2230 

Weekend / Holidays / After Hours call (613) 687-5511 ext. 5611

If your family care plan has failed, this service can help your family bridge the gap.

When can you use Emergency Family Care Assistance or Emergency Child Care?

The goal of the Emergency Family Care Assistance Program is to facilitate short-term emergency care requirements in times of a CAF work-related separation and/or emergency. If a Canadian Forces member must report for duty on short-notice -- or is away on a Military-related tasking -- and something happens that prevents the other parent from being able to care for their children, the PMFRC can help to arrange short-term emergency child care until more permanent arrangements can be made.

If the situation is not an emergency, but child care is seen to be essential for the family’s continued health, well-being and resilience, a period of care may be available. For more information, please contact the PMFRC from Monday to Friday, 8 AM - 4 PM at (613) 687-1641 ext. 2230 or

Emergency Child Care Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about Emergency Child Care and Emergency Family Care Assistance in Petawawa

  • What is considered to be an emergency situation?

    Each situation is assessed on a case-by-case basis and information is inputted into the Penelope database to complete the assessment to see if the family qualifies for Emergency Family Care Assistance. 

    Short term care may be available to families until their back-up plan can be put into place. 

  • What is a Family Care Plan?

    A Family Care Plan (FCP) is a DND form that is in the personnel record of a member of the Canadian Armed Forces. It needs to be completed for a CAF member to be approved as ready for deployment (often referred to as “to DAG Green”). 

    It asks for the member’s full name, service number, rank and unit.   

    There are 3 options on the form: 

    • Option 1: I am presently responsible for providing care to a family member and have no requirement for a FCP 

    • Option 2: I am presently responsible for providing care to a family member and my FCP is set up in Part ll (below on the form)  

    • Option 3: I am presently responsible for providing care to a family member and have a FCP but choose not to set it out in Part ll 

    The PMFRC encourages members to choose Option 2 so the child(ren)/dependent information is listed, as well as their 2 emergency contacts, which will make childcare easier if the FCP needs to be put in place. 

    It's essential to discuss with your partner who will be listed as emergency contacts. This ensures they are comfortable with the chosen individuals, especially since these contacts might need to care for them or your children for an extended period. 

    Make sure to inform the people you choose as emergency contacts so they are aware of your plan. Confirm that they are willing and able to assist, including traveling to the Petawawa area or accommodating your child(ren) in their home if necessary. Additionally, consider whether they can take time off work or afford the travel expenses if required. 

  • What is an Emergency Child Care Plan?

    An Emergency Child Care Plan enhances your Family Care Plan. It provides detailed information about your children that can help, should they need to placed in the care of an Emergency Child Care provider, North Side Child Care or a backup provider you have in place.  This includes allergies, special needs, routines, and any other important information someone would need to know to care for your child/ren.  Once you complete the plan, give a copy to someone you trust (this could be a co-worker, friend, neighbour, etc.)   

    Whoever holds the plan is the person whose contact information you put on the fridge magnet and wallet card so it can be easily accessed. (The magnet and card are available within the EFCA folder and can be picked up at the PMFRC North Side or South Side Community Centre locations.)  

    For families that are new to the area, we encourage you to meet your neighbors, attend Play Troop / Early ON to meet new people, connect with coworkers, etc.  The more people that are part of your emergency childcare plan, the more effective it can be in an emergency.  

    It is important to keep both these plans up to date by changing information as needed (new child, change in martial status, change in emergency contacts etc.).