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NPF Employees Pension Plan

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Pension Plan Booklets

2022-2024 Pension Strategic Plan

In 2022, the Pension Board developed a three-year strategic plan setting key areas of focus to ensure the sustainability of the Pension Plan and continued secure retirement income for its Plan members. The Strategic Plan will be reviewed on a 3-year rolling basis. 

The CF NPF Employees Pension Plan – 2022-2024 Strategic Plan has the following goals: 

  • Goal 1: Ensure the long-term sustainability of the Pension Plan 
  • Goal 2: Ensure the governance framework enables proactive and agile delivery to respond to industry changes and fiduciary obligations
  • Goal 3: Invest in administrative and financial services to meet the evolving needs of Plan members
  • Goal 4: Improve the Plan member experience 
  • Goal 5: Invest in the development and education of Pension Board members

The outcomes of the 2022-2024 Strategic Plan are reflected in the Pension Board Annual Report, which will be made available to our members and pensioners each summer.